World Maternal Mental Health Day
5 May 2021 #maternalMHmatters On this day, maternal mental health activists, researchers, clinicians and people with lived experience come together to raise awareness and promote equal availability of mental health services for all women. The World Maternal Mental Health Day (MMH Day) 2021 is aimed at raising awareness surrounding maternal mental health issues worldwide. The Riseup-PPD is an EU-funded COST Action dedicated […]
Research Briefs: Mijke Lambregtse-van den Berg
Mijke Lambregtse-van den Berg is a perinatal psychiatrist, infant psychiatrist and infant mental health specialist. Associate professor at the Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Her clinical and research work is focused on perinatal psychiatry and offspring development: How to prevent these disorders and the transmission from mother or father to the child?She is working […]
Research Briefs: Claire Wilson
Claire Wilson is a psychiatrist and a researcher. She works at Kings College London and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. She works broadly in the field of perinatal mental health and in epidemiology. In her clinical practice, she sees patients who are experiencing perinatal mental illnesses. Perinatal means preconception, during pregnancy and up […]
Working Group 6: Inclusiveness, Dissemination, and Public Engagement
Deliverables Objectives: Implement the Action policies on gender and geographical representativeness; Disseminate and transfer findings from the Action to the scientific community, health practitioners/carers, women, families and communities. Tasks: i) Monitor the implementation of gender and geographical balance throughout the Action; ii) Boost ECIs and ITCs participation and their inclusion in leadership positions; iii) Support […]