Training Schools

Training schools in the years


February 17-19

Evidence-Based Interventions in Peripartum Depression

The Training School “Evidence-based interventions in Peripartum Depression [PPD]” is organized by the RISEUP PPD COST Action, Workgroup 1 – Prevention and Treatment Strategies in Peripartum Depression Disorder (PPD). The main goal of this workgroup is to synthesize current knowledge concerning diagnosis and management of PPD, including well-established interventions and new lines of research, and to disseminate this knowledge by providing training to researchers and health professionals working in perinatal settings.


November 23-25

Principles and Practices in Clinical Trials

​The Training School 2 was organised by Riseup-PPD COST Action, Workgroup 1 – Prevention and Treatment Strategies of Peripartum Depression Disorder (PPD). 

Three local sites organized the event, along with virtual attendance: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Coimbra, Portugal; European University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus; Col·legi Oficial Infermeres I Infermers, Barcelona, Spain

​The main goal of this workgroup is to synthesise current knowledge concerning diagnosis and management of PPD, including well-established interventions and new lines of research, and to disseminate this knowledge by providing training to researchers and
health professionals working in perinatal settings. This Training School offers an introductory approach to the principles and practices of clinical trials, which are the gold standard to gather evidence about new diagnostic, preventive or treatment tools for PPD. This training school is also designed to foster valuable skills to highly motivated young researchers who might be interested in conducting research in the field of perinatal mental health.

See the full schedule here

