Virtual Networking Tools (VNTs)

The COST Office has launched the Virtual Networking Tools, which include two new types of grants: the Virtual Networking Support (VNS) Grant and the Virtual Mobility (VM). The two new grants are available for all individuals from participating COST countries and MC Observers from Near Neighbour Countries and will run as a pilot scheme until 31 October 2021.

The VNS Grant aims to promote virtual collaboration by designating a Virtual Networking Support Manager. The Manager can develop a virtual networking strategy for the Action, take responsibility for the VM Grants (see below), and support the MC in the discussions and planning of virtual events and collaboration activities. The VNS Grant amount per grant period is set at a maximum of EUR 4.000.

 The VM Grants aim at strengthening the existing networks by allowing researchers and innovators to carry out collaboration in a virtual setting, to exchange knowledge, learn new techniques, disseminate Action results, etc. Grantees selected by the MC can perform activities that do not necessarily require in-person presence (e.g., surveys, questionnaires, or preparation of protocols). The maximum amount per VM Grant is EUR 1.500, with a maximum of 6 VM Grants per Action per Grant Period (up to 1,500 EUR per grant, max 9,000 EUR). For more information on VNTs, click here

Virtual Networking Strategy

COVID-19 has impacted regular networking practices across COST Actions and research communities,  with the use of virtual networking tools being critical to the project’s success. Our Action recently published a proposal on the virtual networking strategy of the Action. The proposed strategy establishes a set of approaches to ensure the continuity of Riseup-PPD’s work activities and the promotion of virtual collaboration, taking into account the Action research coordination and capacity building objectives (cf. Memorandum of Understanding).
The Virtual Networking Strategy aims to address activities that will:

Virtual Mobility Grant Call #1

The first call for the Virtual Mobility Grant is open