Objectives: Implement the Action policies on gender and geographical representativeness; Disseminate and transfer findings from the Action to the scientific community, health practitioners/carers, women, families and communities.
Tasks: i) Monitor the implementation of gender and geographical balance throughout the Action; ii) Boost ECIs and ITCs participation and their inclusion in leadership positions; iii) Support the organization of all events of the Action (TSs, STSMs, meetings, workshops); iv) Coordinate the publication of the Action’s scientific outputs to the scientific community and health care professionals; v) Define, implement and monitor online and offline strategies of dissemination to the wider public, and health care professionals, promoting its involvement.
Milestones: Organize 2 International Conferences (years 3 and 4); Ensure gender and geographical balance (a minimum of 50% of the MC being composed by female members and a minimum of 50% of WGs’ leadership assumed by ECIs from ITCs); Extend the Action network, particularly to other COST ITCs, but also to Near Neighbour Countries (NNCs), and other International Partner Countries (IPCs) that may share expertise and good practices; Involve representatives of the end-users in each country (particularly through our members from international organizations); Organize open events for the wider public (satellite talks during the International Conferences); Participation in local media outreach programs.
Deliverables: Publish the Action website, opening the intranet system to participants, publishing contents targeting health carers and general community (produce outreach materials and press notes, and ensure social media participation, (WG6); Report on the Action global knowledge transfer, dissemination and exploitation activities; Report on the effectiveness of the Action strategies regarding inclusion, and geographical and gender policies.